Future of Technology – 14 ESL English Discussion Questions


Technology has become an essential part of our daily lives. It is used everywhere and poses a big challenge for the future. How will technology change our life in the next five to ten years? Let’s find out.


Here are 14 questions to discuss the topic of Productivity:


1- How do you think technology will shape our future?

2- What are some of the biggest technological advancements we can expect to see in the near future?

3- How will technology change the way we work and live?

4- What impact will technology have on employment and the job market?

5- How will technology change the way we communicate and interact with each other?

6- What are the potential consequences of increased technology dependence?

7- How will technology change the way we consume and use energy?

8- How will technology impact education and the way we learn?

9- How will technology change the way we access and consume media?

10- How will technology change the way we access and use healthcare?

11- How will technology affect privacy and security?

12- How can society ensure that technology is used ethically and responsibly?

13- How will technology change the way we travel and move around?

14- How will technology affect the way we define and experience leisure and entertainment?

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