Dahmer – Monster (Series) – 13 ESL English Discussion Questions

Dahmer - Monster (Series) – 13 ESL English Discussion Questions

Summary reminder:


Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story” is a biographical crime drama television series that was released in 2021. It is based on the life and crimes of serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, who was active in the late 20th century and murdered 17 men and boys. The series explores Dahmer’s childhood, his gradual descent into violence, and the events that ultimately led to his capture and conviction.


Conversation Questions:


1- What was your initial reaction to the series and its subject matter?

2- How effectively did the series convey the psychological aspect of Dahmer’s crimes?

3- Was the series’ treatment of the victims respectful and appropriate?

4- How does the series compare to other crime dramas or true crime series you’ve seen?

5- Did you find the series to be disturbing or disturbing to watch?

6- Was the series’ portrayal of the police investigation and capture of Dahmer effective?

7- How did the series handle the depiction of Dahmer’s upbringing and childhood?

8- Did the series shed new light on the crimes of Jeffrey Dahmer or did it feel like a rehashing of previously known information?

9- Was the acting in the series good, or did it feel like it was over-the-top or unbelievable?

10- Did the series have a clear message or purpose, or did it feel like it was exploiting a horrific crime for entertainment?

11- How did the series handle the depiction of violence and sexual content?

12- Was there anything about the series that you found surprising or unexpected?

13- Would you recommend the series to others, and why or why not?

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