Anime – 15 ESL English Discussion Questions


Here are 15 Conversation Questions about the topic of “Anime”:


1- What is your favorite anime and why?

2- How has anime evolved over time?

3- What is your opinion on the globalization of anime?

4- How has the anime industry changed with the rise of streaming platforms?

5- What is your favorite anime genre?

6- How does anime reflect Japanese culture?

7- How has anime impacted the Western animation industry?

8- What is your opinion on the use of violence and mature themes in anime?

9- What is your opinion on the portrayal of women in anime?

10- How does the anime industry contribute to the Japanese economy?

11- What is your favorite anime movie or series adaptation?

12- What is your opinion on the use of anime in education and teaching?

13- What is your favorite anime character and why?

14- How does anime contribute to the development of video games and other media?

15- How does the anime industry collaborate with other industries, such as music and fashion?

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