I Am Legend (Movie) – 9 ESL English Discussion Questions

I am legend

Summary reminder:


I Am Legend is a 2007 film adaptation of a novel of the same name. The film follows the story of Dr. Robert Neville, as he searches for a cure to a vicious, man-made disease.

It’s a sci-fi action movie where scientist Robert Neville (played by Smith) believes he may be the sole survivor in a plague that kills most people and transforms others into zombie-like creatures.

1- Do you believe in the possibility of disasters that may destroy life completely or partially?

2- Do you think that the existence of human beings is fragile?

3- Do you think that countries and governments have elaborated plans and alternative scenarios to preserve the human race?

4- Do you think that disasters that may threaten human existence will be human-made? If yes, will it be intentional or just a mistake?

5- How did you find the end of the movie?

6- Do you prefer happy ending movies?

7- How did you find Will Smith’s acting in this movie?

8- Do you think that acting is harder when it’s a monologue?

9- How do you see the relationship between DR. Robert and his dog.

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